Sunday, May 29, 2016

Summer Vacation

With summer vacation officially begun, I find it funny how many people come up to me talking about how nice it must be to have 2 months off.  2 months off?  When did a teacher ever have 2 months off.  I already have a laundry list of things to do.  This upcoming year I am moving from Kindergarten to 1st grade so I find myself with a longer list than usual.

1. Classroom Setup :)

Before summer even began I had to get my old classroom taken down and my new classroom set up.  

Lucky for me I had time during post planning to get this done.  This is a huge weight off my shoulders and one less thing I will have to do before the next school year begins.  If anyone knows any blogs or sites for 1st grade please let me know.

2. New Curriculum!!!

Moving up to a new grade level means a new set of standards and new curriculum.  I am looking forward to setting up a curriculum map for the upcoming school year and starting to find some outside resources for the new topics

3. Conference

This summer my CLO (Chief Learning Officer a.k.a. principal)  is sending me to the Renweb conference.  YAY!! trip to Miami.  After returning from the conference I am going to train the new and returning teachers on what I learned.

4. Fun!!!

This really should have been #1.  I am looking forward to spending some time with my baby girl over the summer.  We are going to spend much of the summer playing in the water and TRYING to stay cool and running some errands.  She will most likely join me by going into work every so often to do some little things over the summer.

5.  Read

The last thing I want to do is read the book my CLO wrote this summer.  It is about the public school system; the past, present, and future of it.