A lot has been going on since my last post. I had my first month of school. I have a great class this year who are eager to learn (a teacher's dream come true). I have had to differentiate my instruction more than ever this year. I have some students on grade level; however many of them are above. I love being able to challenge my students.
I am also trying to balance my work, moving in into a new apartment. and finishing my last two classes to complete my Masters degree in ELL. Like I said it has been crazy. Now that I am have a rhythm in order (or at least I think I do). I hope to get on more often to share what my class has been up to.
Below are two activities that I created as extension, or homework assignments, for a couple of our Social Studies and Science topics. My students loved doing these at home and come back to school and sharing them with the group. I hope your students enjoy them also.